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Thursday, November 16, 2006


"He who truly knows has no occasion to shout."

Leonardo da Vinci
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Anonymous said...

This post is about something very interesting happens regularly actually.

Some people used to send comments which can read as nonsense. So blogs owners set their moderation to delete those comments.

I thought people should not waste their times posting nonsense. There's no reason.

I received a comment that was read like this: "I didnt find thing that i need... :-(" -- with this angry smilie.

I wonder why that person sent comment with angry smilie! What did he want to impose?

It might have been very nice comment if he said what's that thing he was looking for and didn't find?

It might have been friendly if it didn't end with that angry smilie!

I know, some people are getting very pleased to get others angry, or to disturb them and make them feel sad. No "reasonability".

This is the nature of some human beings and it's natural.

But, it is unnatural to respond to this kind of behaviour angrily too. Am I wrong?

Anonymous said...

Lars, that person could be a child!

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