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Monday, January 05, 2009


"I do the best I know how, the very best I can, and I mean to keep doing so until the end."

Abraham Lincoln
, 16th US president


Anonymous said...

Love the quote
I really love these kind of things!
I was just at this site where they had all these motivational and inspirational refrigerator magnets and I got a bunch of them. They were really cool with funny original sayings like "obsession is not a hobby" (i got THAT one for sure hahaha) :)
...and things about love and friendship too.
I gave a lot of them to my friends and co-workers for christmas, they loved them:)
Anyway, thanks for sharing the quote, I loved it!

Peaceful Blog said...

Thanks Madelaine,

I suggest you take it in a lens or do something about it. Just start with the keywords here and I'll welcome you

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